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Today, Nobody Was There

18. October. 2018 - 17. November. 2018

art space pool, Seoul, Korea

Truant: École Buissonnière


17. November. 2017 - 19. November. 2017

SeMA NANJI Exhibition Hall, Seoul, Korea  

The Ongoing Moments, nine books, (each) 12.8x 17.5 cm, 2015


Open Your Storage

01.October. 2019 - 11. November. 2019

SeMA, Buk-Seoul Museum of Art, Seoul,  Korea


Total Installation

co-work with Jimok Choi

04. December. 2019 - 21. December. 2019

Galerie M, Berlin, Germany

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Sensory class

04. December. 2019 - 21. December. 2019

Soda Museum, Hwaseong, Korea

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co-work with Jimok Choi

17. October. 2017 - 09. November. 2017

Art space tetra, Fukuoka, Japan

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Publication: Korean, Japanese

Sponsor: Japan Foundation, Doosan Art center

ISBN: 9788960903685

2018.03, 20



co-work with Yuna

30. August. 2017 - 27. September. 2017

Incheon Art Platform, Incheon Foundation for Arts and Culture, Korea
from Zentrum für Kunst und Urbanistik, Berlin, Germany

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01. April. 2016 - 15. April. 2016

Seoul Dance Center, Seoul, Korea

Gangaek: I can’t speak afterward

co-work with Yuna

09. October. 2016 - 22. October. 2016

Incheon Art Platform, Incheon Foundation for Arts and Culture, Korea

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 Artist File 2015

29. July. 2015 - 12. October. 2015  National Art Center, Tokyo, Japan

10. November. 2015 - 14. February. 2016

National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Korea

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